PC internal mounted on how to connect internal speakers to your PC. Computers work at a very amazing technology. They work in complex electronic processes like conversion of data to useful information. Sound is one of the outputs of this process.
You need quality audio from your computer whenever you listen to music on it or when playing games on your PC. You can also activate audio alerts to alert you when you are performing a certain task wrongly or when your laptop runs out of charge.
We could not be talking about online telephony or online conference without audio. This audio can only reach your ear via speakers. This speaker can be internal and external speakers.
When one purchases a computer, they normally come with fully mounted internal speakers and audio jacks to connect to external speakers. However, at times, you have to replace the internal speakers when they age or face a severe damage.
This process requires you to be keen and make correct connections. The first step is to turn off the computer and detach it from the main power supply. This is to make sure that no power runs through the system.
Then you need to carefully remove the back cover. This way you can access the motherboard. Make sure you wear gloves to insulate you from mild shocks. The third step is to carefully connect the speaker cables to their correspondent pins on the mother board. Make sure each wire connects correctly to its designated pin on the motherboard.
You can use your manual to see how each colored cable corresponds to the resistance or voltage marked on the motherboard. There is usually a black and red wire. The power connectors are usually four pin connector. You can connect the power connector back as per specified instructions on the menu of your specific model.
Once you are through with the connections you can now return the motherboard in position making sure the motherboard taking care not to disconnect any cable in the process. Return the back cover and screw it into place. Connect the power system and turn on the computer. The computer will automatically show it has detected a new hardware.
You can proceed on to the control panel to set the volume levels of your audio. You can do this using music from the playlist to find appropriate volume level. By doing this, you would have successfully mounted internal speakers in your system. You can mount external speakers if you feel like you need a more powerful audio output.
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