Fixing acer laptop power supply blinking problems guide. Acer laptop computers can encounter a number of varied problems and one such issue is their power supply. There are some that use batteries but a majority of them use direct or indirect power supply. In most cases, if the Acer laptop power supply is down, an indication to show this is some blinking.
To carry out the repair, you need some special tools to make this possible. However, in case you do not have any special tools or even unique technical knowledge, you can carry out the repair on your own with little trouble.
Make sure that it is plugged into the port and is not secure. Make sure that the outlet is not loose as this may be causing the blinking problem.
- Secondly, check the monitor brightness settings on your Acer laptop. In most cases, it the settings are altered, they may cause the power supply to malfunction thus resulting to blinking.
This being the case, make sure you make adjustments on the brightness settings that are located at the top of the keyboard.
While this is the case, ensure that the mechanism is directly below the horizontal outline of the power supply. Slide the release mechanism to the left so as to disengage the power supply and gently pop it out.
Once you have done this, you are free to repair your Acer laptop power supply. However, in case the blinking is not caused by the power supply altogether, you can choose to replace it at once in order to keep the problem away for a long period of time.
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